Եռօրյա հաղորդակցության դասընթաց քաղաքացիական հասարակության ներկայացուցիչների համար (English)
Please be informed that in the framework of Council of Europe’s Electoral assistance programme a training on communication is organised for the representatives of civil society organisations in the Eastern Partnership countries
that have experience in conducting professional organisation of the election observation at national and regional levels. During the three-day training course the successful applicants will receive an in-depth training on communication and advocacy techniques. They will familiarise themselves with different types of communication with regard to different stages of the electoral cycle, will learn how to align messages depending on the target audience and which communication channel and which advocacy tools are more suitable for promoting change.
You can find the Terms of Reference of the Call for participants on the following link: http://www.coe.int/t/DEMOCRACY/ELECTORAL-ASSISTANCE/news/2016/Call-participants.pdf.
Applicants are required to submit a short motivation letter and a CV (including a list of three reference persons) in either Russian or English language to [email protected]. The deadline for applications is 18.00 CET, 15 April 2016. The Council of Europe will bear the costs of travel and subsistence for the selected participants.