Աշխատանքի հայտարարություն․ Խորհրդատու և դասընթացավար տարածաշրջանային ՔՀ ցանցում
The training module for the start-up of regional CSO networks in the Black Sea Region will target at least 3 Black Sea NGO Forum Working Groups.
Currently, the Forum has 10 Working Groups: Civic Engagement; CSO Sustainability & Resilience; Culture & Education; Environment & Climate Change; Human Rights; Knowledge Networks for Development; Media & Communication; Sustainable Development & Corporate Social Responsibility; Volunteering Development; and Youth Engagement. The training module will include 2 main phases:
1. The face-to-face training (3-5 days);
2. Post-training follow-up comprised of: online mentoring and peer-to-peer learning (3 months).
The main topics covered by the training will be: how to set up a CSO network, how CSO networks function (specificities), governance development, creating a shared purpose and common values, membership engagement, stakeholder engagement.
You can find more information via this link.