Ձեռնարկատիրական հմտությունների զարգացման դասընթաց երիտասարդների համար (անգլերեն)
Within the framework of "EU for Youth, Ideas for the Future", Save the Children International in Armenia and OJeheen Foundation announce a competition for participation in the "Entrepreneurship Improvement" course, which can apply to entrepreneurial skills and personal qualities in Armenia young people aged 18 to 30 who are interested in developing business ideas. The program is implemented by the European Union funded by the Armenian representation of Save the Children, in collaboration with the Okshegen Youth and Women's Rights Protection Fund.
The purpose of the course is to provide entrepreneurial skills and career opportunities to young people living in Armenia, to develop their entrepreneurial thinking and ideas, to contribute to the development of new opportunities for cooperation and their professional advancement. Topics included in the course include entrepreneurial thinking, financial and economic literacy, marketing, business planning, resource mobilization, team management, risk analysis, organizational skills, entrepreneurship and other personal qualities needed in business.
This component of the project also provides support for the participants' business ideas not only through training, but also on financial support for small grants, as well as in the form of advice from experienced entrepreneurs.
The training course consists of 2 stages, each with a 3-day duration. In case of being selected, the participants undertake to participate in the 2 rounds. The lessons will be taught by Armenian-speaking trainers. The course will be fully implemented in Armenian.
Participation in trainings is free of charge, organizational and road maintenance costs and other organizational matters.
The main focus areas of the program are inclusive, hence the participation of vulnerable groups, including persons with disabilities, refugees, borderline residents, and unemployed young people and ethnic minorities are encouraged. Guided by the foregoing, the Foundation is ready to provide appropriate support to young people who are motivated and meet the program's criteria to ensure their participation.
Applications are accepted till August 31. Those chosen will be announced on September 10. Applications submitted late after the deadline will not be considered.
If you have questions, you can write to [email protected] , or call +37411308808. 115, Sona Grigoryan.