ԵՄ-ն Երիտասարդներին - Դրամաշնորհային ծրագրի (անգլերեն)
Source: here
EU announces Call for Proposals for CSOs from an Eastern Partnership country (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine)
General objective
The general objective of the EU4Youth programme is to foster the employability and the active participation of young people in society and economy, by developing skills needed in the labour market and by supporting them in becoming leaders and entrepreneurs, by facilitating the search for new professional opportunities.
Global objective of this Call for proposals:
The present EU4Youth Grant Scheme serves the general objective of the action by supporting educational opportunities and employment perspectives for youth. In particular it aims to address the key challenges faced by disadvantaged youth, including internally displaced youth and youth in conflict-affected areas, and in the field of youth entrepreneurship by identifying actions and actors that may have a potential for systemic impact in this policy area.
Specific objectives of this Call for proposals:
1. Support creative young people in developing their entrepreneurial potential and ideas by equipping them with adequate skills through non-formal training and practical experiences and innovative approaches to entrepreneurship education.
2. Increase access to education, training opportunities, and the employability potential of all youth, including vulnerable, disadvantaged, internally displaced youth and youth in conflict-affected areas, by promoting effective employment alliances between leaders and organizations in the education and labour market fields.
3. Support national authorities in the formulation of youth policies, or the improvement of the regulatory framework, by encouraging broader policy dialogue, inter-ministerial and inter-institutional cooperation within national administrations and by developing partnerships for job creation between relevant authorities and other key stakeholders.
The overall indicative amount made available under this call for proposals is EUR 8.5 million. The Contracting Authority reserves the right not to award all available funds.
Size of grants
Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
- Minimum amount: EUR 750 000.
- Maximum amount: EUR 1 500 000.
Deadline for submission of concept notes: 11/07/2017 at 17:30 (Brussels date and time)