Միջազգային ամառային դպրոց Գլոբալ քաղաքացիական հասարակություն թեմայով (անգլերեն)
Normative and Pedagogical Challenges - 6th Georg Arnhold International Summer School
Braunschweig, Germany
25 – 29 June 2019
This year's summer school will focus on curriculum changes affecting Global Citizenship Education and Citizenship Education (GCE-CE) and the introduction of a global dimension into the citizenship education (CE) curriculum. Particular emphasis will be given to the pedagogical, social and political challenges that emerge from GCE-CE curricula, and their implementation. These challenges will be explored specifically against the background of globalization processes and the current growth of populist nationalist politics. Moreover, the summer school will discuss challenges from the perspectives of a range of different stakeholders (schools, teachers, students, NGOs, INGOs, and state education systems) and address the diverse challenges to GCE-CE in different social, political and economic contexts.
- Download the complete call for papers here.
The GEI invites submission of original contributions that draw upon diverse contexts, theories and methods and aim to address the importance of GCE-CE and its challenges. We are particularly, although not exclusively, interested in contributions which explore questions such as:
- How GCE-CE should be understood in its role enabling young people to act politically within and beyond the state level?
- What is the role of GCE-CE in an increasingly polarized social, political and economic reality?
- Can GCE-CE promote inclusive active membership, belonging and global awareness and if so, how?
- We would also like to focus more specifically on understanding how schools and teachers implement GCE-CE in specific contexts, how they articulate its aims and develop practices accordingly.
Applicants are requested to explain how their proposal addresses the theme of the summer school as outlined above.
The Summer School primarily welcomes applications from doctoral candidates and post-doctoral scholars from the humanities and social sciences, particularly education, history, political sciences, sociology, law, anthropology, and psychology. Practitioners working for international organizations and NGOs in the relevant fields are also welcome to apply. Applications from students enrolled in a Master’s program and recent graduates with a Master’s degree will be considered in exceptional cases.
The GEI invites suitable applicants to submit abstracts of their presentations of no more than two pages together with a CV, a list of publications (if applicable), and the completed application form, which can be downloaded from the sidebar.
Submissions should be made electronically. All documents must be in PDF format, and the total file size may not exceed 3 MB.
The file name should be: Last name, First name_Arnhold Summer School 2019.
Please send applications to [email protected], with the subject line “Arnhold Summer School 2019.”
The deadline for completed applications is March 17, 2019. Successful applicants will be notified in mid-April.
The GEI plans to publish the proceedings of the Summer School and will ask participants and experts to submit articles for publication based on their presentations.
The working language of the Summer School will be English. No registration fees apply. Accommodation and meals will be provided for all participants, and economy-class travel expenses will be reimbursed.
For questions contact the coordinator of the Georg Arnhold Program by sending an email to [email protected].
Call for papers by Dr. Halleli Pinson, Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Israel).