Երիտասարդ Տրանսատլանտյան ինովացիոն առաջնորդների նախաձեռնություն (YTILI) հետազոտություն
The Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative (YTILI) Fellowship is a flagship young European leaders program of the U.S. Department of State that is supported in its im-plementation by the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF).
YTILI fellows are young entrepreneurs between the ages of 24-35 with either commercial or social ventures that they are seeking to scale in their home countries. The YTILI experience is a professional development opportunity for innovators to become change makers by developing the skills to be successful entrepreneurs. YTILI Fellows are given access to a network of professionals, mentors, and resources aligned to support the growth of their venture during the fellowship experience. By exploring entrepreneur-ship in the transatlantic context, YTILI fellows will also develop the expertise to better engage in policy conversations in their home countries, across Europe, and in the transatlantic sphere.
Calling for applications: The U.S. Embassy Yerevan requests applications for the next generation of Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative YTILI Fellows.
Deadline: January 4, 2019 at 5:00 EST
More info: https://share.america.gov/ytili/#fellowship