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Source: www.m100potsdam.org
The M100 Young European Journalists Workshop (M100YEJ) is part of the renowned annual international media conference M100 Sanssouci Colloquium in Potsdam, Germany. It is addressed to a young generation of journalists and editors between the age of 18 of 26 from Europe, the countries of the Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Georgia) and Russia. In addition to the cultivation of practical and theoretical knowledge relating to journalism and journalistic work, the workshop also seeks to generate contacts and long-term ties among participants. The workshop will be held in English. In the end, the young journalists will attend the international media conference M100 Sanssouci Colloquium in Potsdam, uniting Europe’s top editors, commentators and media owners alongside key public figures to assess the role and impact of the media in international affairs and to promote democracy and freedom of speech
Topic 2018
In 2018, the workshop will be devoted to the topic of “Journalism & Political Education in the Social Web”. Political opinions are more and more formed in the social web. Driven by the development of digital media, the political debate worldwide is increasingly shifting to autonomous sub-publics on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & Co. In order for political education offers to reach the youth especially, it is important to take advantage of the social web. How can young people be successfully addressed? How can political education work reach its target groups? It is often observed how the success of education formats is determined by their reach. Hence, the amount of followers that some youtubers and influencers provide can indeed encourage new ideas for political education work with the youth.
The Workshop “Journalism & Political Education in the Social Web” is set at the intersection of webvideo, social networks and political education work with the goal of promoting projects of political education work in the social web in Europe, the countries of then Eastern Partnership and Russia. The workshop connects actors in the diverse fields of journalism, political education work, social media and webvideo. It presents current projects and developments, enables an international and interdisciplinary networking of the participants and provides the opportunity for a creative development of an own project.
Conditions of participation:
Young journalists between 18 and 26 years from Europe, the countries of the Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Georgia) and Russia, can apply by submitting their application in English.
The application form includes an essay, a CV and a letter of motivation. Only applications in English are taken into consideration.
Please write your essay according to the following instructions:
Shortly define the term “political education work in the social web”. Describe the possibilities and limitations of political education in your country using a concrete case (you can implement your own professional experience in the text) and present some of your own ideas for a political education project that you consider relevant.
(6.000 characters maximum, including spaces)
Selected participants will be invited to a Skype interview. Costs for accommodation, transportation and meals will be covered.
Please send your application by email by 12 June 2018,12 p.m. (midnight) to Sophia Wellek, [email protected].
The M100YEJ is an initiative of the City of Potsdam and Potsdam Media International e.V.. It is supported by the Federal Foreign Office and the National Endowment for Democracy and takes place in cooperation with the European Youth Press and the MIZ Babelsberg.