Friends’ Home organization is a health non-governmental organization which sets the main goal to provide psychological and educational support to the patients and their family caregivers. The main idea is to give psychological and emotional support for patients, to help them face the uncertainty and fear.
Փոքր թիմերով մեծ գործեր
Վերջին թարմացումը 07 օգոստոսի, 2019
Friends’ Home organization is a health non-governmental organization which sets the main goal to provide psychological and educational support to the patients and their family caregivers. The main idea is to give psychological and emotional support for patients, to help them face the uncertainty and fear.
Մատուցվող ծառայությունները
- 37499940902
- [email protected]
- AM, Yerevan, 0038 Str.Shinararneri 8