ԵՄ-ն հրապարակել է GSP զեկույցները և մասնակից երկրների համար իր գնահատականները
The EU has released its biennial GSP report and the GSP+ assessments for participating countries, including Armenia. The report states that during 2018-219 Armenia continued to address shortcomings identified under the GSP+ related conventions. However, a number of pressing human rights, labor and environmental protection issues are yet to be addressed, including adoption of stand-alone, effective law on anti-discrimination and formation of an independent Equality body. Together with Democracy Reporting International (DRI), EPF worked on strengthening the capacities of Armenian regional CSOs to report on labour rights, housing conditions, access to health, and the rights of children belonging to minority groups. EPF and its work and recommendations are specifically mentioned in the main report, assessment report and the 'Key Facts' document. The project was supported by the European Union.
The original files can be obtained here: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_20_136