AGBU Inspierd Photo Contest
We begin our celebration of AGBU’s 113th anniversary with our very own #AGBUInspired photo competition!
Upload your #AGBUInspired photo to Instagram and get the chance to win a brand-new Instax camera!
Been to one of our many cultural events? Engaged with one of our youth, education, health or humanitarian programs? Or maybe been part of an AGBU institutional or socio-economic development initiative and felt inspired to take a photo? Then what are you waiting for?! Start uploading!
What you need to do:
Upload as many pictures as you want – sky’s the limit! Just don’t squeeze it all into one upload. Rather send one picture at a time and make sure to include a short caption with that #AGBUInspired hashtag in there.
You’re from Yerevan? Great! From Dilijan or Goris? Even better! Upload your photo from wherever, as long as it’s in Armenia. Young and old, everyone’s welcome to give us their take on their AGBU experience!
But that experience doesn’t have to be in Armenia! So whether you’ve experienced AGBU in Yerevan, in Beirut, in Buenos Aires or anywhere else in the world, go ahead and show us!
Feel free to use any filters you like, no one’s here to tell you otherwise!
We’ll pick our winner at our special 113th anniversary event at the AGBU Armenia Office on April 14 at 6PM! Submit you photos till April 12, 6PM.