Հայաստանում հաշմանդամություն ունեցող անձանց իրավունքների վերաբերյալ երկու այլընտրանքային զեկույցների պատրաստման հայտարարություն (անգլերեն)
1. Description of the project and the context
Combining the expertise of the Yerevan-based Pyunic non-governmental organisation (NGO) on the situation and challenges faced by persons with disabilities in Armenia, and that of the Advocacy Centre on Council of Europe Standards (ACCESS, Strasbourg, France) on building the capacity of national civil society organisations to promote the implementation of human rights through the Council of Europe (CoE), the two co-applicant NGOs have designed the Project to bridge the gap between Armenia's NGOs and European institutions and standards.
Taking into consideration the completion of the 2006-2015 Armenian National Strategy on the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities, and in light of the annual Conclusions of the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) for 2016, including on the situation of persons with disabilities in Armenia under Article 15 of the revised European Charter on Social Rights (ESC(r))[1], it is a critical time to take stock and devise new strategies to hold governments accountable on protecting the rights of persons with disabilities.
The Project aims to achieve the following five specific objectives:
- To increase awareness of Armenian civil society on European and international standards and procedures on the protection of social rights of persons with disabilities;
- To enhance the capacity of civil society in Armenia to sustainably and autonomously participate in and report to the CoE monitoring mechanisms, and in particular the ECSR;.
- To develop NGO advocacy strategy targeting national authorities to remedy situations of non-conformity under the 2016 Conclusions of the European Committee of Social Rights and implement CoE Recommendations;
- To promote dialogue on the ratification of the complaints mechanism of the ESC and its additional provisions
- To raise awareness on the multiple discrimination and violence faced by persons with disabilities, especially women, children, the elderly and migrants.
2. The alternative reports and their purpose
One of the important components of the project is to enhance the capacity of civil society in Armenia to sustainably and autonomously participate in and report to the CoE monitoring mechanisms as well as to the CoE's Human Rights (HR) Commissioner. For this purpose, a series of capacity building activities were implemented in Yerevan, Gyumri and Vanadzor with sessions led by international and local experts. Representatives of around 45 NGOs/DPOs took part in the trainings. Participants acquired practical knowledge on CoE monitoring standards and mechanisms that will be used to prepare and submit two independent alternative reports to the ECSR and to the CoE's HR Commissioner. The key purpose of the two reports is to present accurate, fact-based information on social rights of persons with disabilities in Armenia. It will serve as reference for the European monitoring bodies and mechanisms to make appropriate recommendations on the country upon the examination of Armenia's next country report.
Apart from providing up-to-date information on the current progress and setbacks in the fulfilment of the rights of persons with disabilities in Armenia, the NGOs and DPOs involved in the process will gain hands-on experience in working with the CoE monitoring mechanisms and will catalyse the initiatives and expertise of peer organisations in a coordinated, multi-layered and multi-sector action to promote and safeguard the rights of persons with disabilities.
Two lots are announced under the current call:
Lot 1 Report to the ECSR
Position 1. Lead NGO expert (responsible for the design and final compilation of the report, including
the preparation of the methodology)
Position 2. Assistant NGO expert (responsible for primary data collection, including meeting with communities and NGOs)
Lot 2 Report to the CoE HR Commissioner
Position 1. Lead NGO expert (responsible for the design and final compilation of the report, including the preparation of the methodology)
Position 2. Assistant NGO expert (responsible for primary data collection, including meeting with communities and NGOs)
In order to ensure diversity and cooperation among different NGOs and DPOs, Pyunic and ACCESS may select a maximum of two candidates from the same organisation.
3. Methodology
The applicants are free to choose the data gathering and analysis methodology.
The only general requirement for both reports is to provide facts and data on the most recent achievements in the field of the rights of persons with disabilities in Armenia and identify the main gaps in the Armenian Government's implementation of international instruments, with a particular focus on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD), ECHR, ESC(r), as well as relevant CoE soft law instruments. This includes, but is not confined, to the following areas:
- An overview of the HR situation of persons with disabilities in Armenia;
- Assessment of the Armenian government’s track record for fulfilling its obligations under the relevant international legal instruments on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities;
- The progress made by the Armenian government in safeguarding the rights of persons with disabilities;
- Violations of the rights of persons with disabilities in Armenia between 2016 and 2018;
- Fact-based information about obstacles and barriers to the full realisation of the social rights of persons with disabilities in Armenia;
- Examples of best NGO practices to advocate for further government action towards the full realisation of social rights of persons with disabilities;
- Recommendations
4. Key tasks
- Select the social right(s) against which the report should be prepared;
- Examine the legal framework and its implementation mechanisms that relate to that specific right;
- Cooperate with other NGOs/DPOs paying special attention to disability coalitions, platforms, networks etc. to acquire evidence-based information;
- Collect and analyse the information;
- Compile and submit the report.
5. Deliverables and timeline
A fixed-term contract starting on 15 June 2018 and finishing on 20 September 2018 will be signed with the selected applicants. Two weeks prior to the completion of contract period the two draft reports should be presented to Pyunic and ACCESS NGOs for final review and comments. The final reports should be submitted by 20 September, 2018 on behalf of the NGOs that have prepared them.
[1] To access the full Report, follow the link :