«The 2016 Global Folklorist Challenge» մրցույթ (անգլերեն)
Աղբյուրը՝ challenges.epals.com
The 2016 Global Folklorist Challenge has launched, the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage's third annual partnership with ePals/Cricket Media! For those of you unfamiliar with the project, it invites kids 8 – 18 to interview a tradition bearer/folk artist and share a video, slide set or audio recording with the world. There are prizes for the winners, but also, every entry is placed on an interactive world map which is built upon each year. Entries have come in the past from the U.S., Canada, India, China, Taiwan, Ukraine, Poland, Italy, Hungary, and Turkey. We would love to add more countries and regions to the map in the future, including Armenia, so check out the requirements and eligibility on the website and apply before November 30th!