Փոքր թիմերով մեծ գործեր
Հետազոտություն. Քաղաքացիական կրթությունը և ժողովրդավարությունը Արևելյան գործընկերության երկրներում (2016)
Հրապարակված է` 13 հուլիսի, 2016
The Role of the EU in the development of the Civil Society in Armenia (pp. 189 - 206)
Grigor Yeritsyan
The development of Civil Society sector in post-Soviet countries began right after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Hundreds of organizations were established due to large funds, grants and donations from donor organizations that were interested in building democracy in the post-communist states. This phenomenon is often called as “mushrooming of NGOs”...
Full publication is available here: www.bpb.de/shop/buecher/schriftenreihe/222223/civic-education-and-democratisation-in-the-eastern-partnership-countries