Call for Proposals: EU4Culture grants for EaP non-capital cities and towns
The EU4Culture project has launched its first call for proposals for ‘Support to non-capital cities and towns of the Eastern Partnership Region in Preparation of Cultural Development Strategies’.
The call for proposals aims to assist cities and towns in five countries of the Eastern Partnership – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine – to develop and implement a Cultural Development Strategy, following the approach of the European Capitals of Culture.
The first step in the process will be the selection of five cities or towns in each Eastern Partnership country, which will then further compete for financial support to develop their Cultural Development Strategy. They have until 30 June to apply. Five towns or cities will initially be selected per country, receiving a grant of up to €1,000 to develop a full application. Of these, a maximum of three per country will then receive a €30,000 grant to prepare a full Cultural Development Strategy. Finally, one town or city per country will then be awarded a grant of up to €300,000 to implement its strategy.
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To apply: