The Department of Image Science awards a half-scholarship for participation in the program Exhibition Development.
A jury composed of both institutions decides on the award. The half-scholarship is eligible for all nationalities, focusing on those working in Eastern Europe’s Creative and Cultural Sector.
==> Scholarship application DEADLINE – January 30, 2019
==> Course Start – March 30, 2019
These scholarships are available to all prospective students, regardless of nationality, Applicants must submit all the required documents to be eligible for consideration.
Send digital copies of application materials to zbw(at)
- Application Form
- Letter of Motivation
- CV in Europass form
- Scan of Passport
- Scans of Transcripts
or (for special enrolment) confirmation of relevant work experience - optional: letter/s of recommendation
==>TARGET GROUP – The target group is working professionals who want to deepen and build up their theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as emerging professionals looking for new perspective in their career.
Staff in museums, collections and similar institutions, promoters and curators of art, culture or science, staff in tourist or leisure learning establishments and anyone building or updating their skills in exhibition project realization are potential applicants.
The target audience of the Creative Eastern European Scholarship in Exhibition Development is emerging professionals from Eastern Europe in various stages of their careers who would benefit from a “crash-course” to accelerate their skills beyond learning-by-doing, or those who seek access to cutting-edge developments in the field.