Call for proposals under “EU4Youth phase III Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship: Fostering Youth Employment and Societal Change through Social Entrepreneurship” (EU4Youth programme)
Total budget of the call
Funded activities
The Call is divided into two Lots
Lot 1: Upskilling of disadvantaged youth in terms of digital competences (incl. critical digital literacy) as well as the promotion of entrepreneurial competences and support towards related networking and partnerships: indicative allocation is €2,200,000.
Lot 2: Development of social entrepreneurship and career management skills, linked to the promotion of youth entrepreneurship in the areas of green and digital economies and support to related networking and partnerships: indicative allocation is €3,800,000.
Types of action which may be financed under this Call will include (but not limited to) the following:
- Mentorship and training actions for young people in the fields related to the priorities of the call, such as staff exchanges, workshops, seminars, capacity-building actions, train-the-trainers events, and the promotion and dissemination of existing as well as development of new innovative online training tools or other training modules.
- Actions aiming at the creation and improving of networks/partnerships among key stakeholders (among others, policy makers, youth organisations, social enterprises, financial intermediaries, international donors), mutual learning, cooperation, awareness-raising and dissemination activities, such as (i) the identification of, and exchanges on, good practices, innovative approaches and experiences; (ii) the organisation of peer reviews and mutual learning; (iii) the organisation of workshops, study visits, seminars conferences.
- Establishment and up-scaling of relevant competence development and/or business support structures (e. g. hubs, incubators, accelerators, labs, universities, research centres, etc.), including through financial support to third parties.
- Actions that promote and support efforts for social cohesion, enhance decent employment opportunities through career management and skills development, initiate and facilitate dialogue with social partners and linkages with social security and protection schemes.
Additionally for the individual Lots of the Call, the following indicative type of actions, especially ones targeting disadvantaged youth, will be encouraged.
Under Lot 1:
- Capacity building, training and mentorship activities with focus on digital competences, crucial for enhanced youth employability and critical media literacy, provided in formal and non-formal education and training contexts;
- Awareness raising amongst young people on the potential and risks of digitalisation for personal and career development;
- Promotion of transnational exchange of experience and best practices and networking between EaP countries as well as between EaP and EU countries with regards to digital upskilling and reskilling of disadvantaged youth, where relevant also building on existing initiatives.
Under Lot 2:
- Support to develop youth social entrepreneurship that has potential for realising innovative solutions in the areas of digital and green economy, including through training, mentoring and coaching as well as through targeted awareness raising to strengthen connections with existing business support schemes;
- Strengthening of networks and partnerships for youth social entrepreneurship with regard to the digital and green transformations, through studies, workshops and other activities, involving private and public actors such as business membership organisations, specialised civil society organisations, relevant national, regional and local administrations, education and training providers and National Youth Councils and other representative youth organisations;
- Developing synergies with and opportunities to access other more advanced entrepreneurship support and/or access to finance initiatives;
- Awareness raising amongst young people on the social entrepreneurial potential of digital and green development;
- Promotion of transnational exchange of experience and best practices between EaP countries with regards to as to youth social entrepreneurship in the areas of green and digital economy.
Activities supported under this Call (applicable to both Lot 1 and Lot 2) may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Design, production and application of tools and methodologies (training curricula, handbooks for teachers and trainers, compendia of good practice, virtual libraries, guidelines etc.) and information material;
- Capacity development through workshops and seminars, peer learning visits, coaching and mentoring, training of teachers and trainers and other relevant practitioners;
- Internships, e.g.: on the job-training in companies and NGOs / youth organisations;
- Youth job events and fairs;
- Networks of key stakeholders, like young entrepreneurs, teachers and trainers;
- Competitions: skills, business ideas;
- Creation of digital tools / apps / portals, for example online registration platforms for companies (for work-based learning activities and internships);
- Information and awareness raising campaigns and promotional events;
- Activities for development of services for promotion of youth employment
- Community consultations and surveys;
- Analysis and communication of main lessons and good practice from the projects,
- Activities encouraging the policy dialogue in the field of youth,
- Interregional and national mobility schemes implemented via internship assignments, scholarships, trainers and/or practitioners exchanges.
For more information and application process, please click here!