Granting Opportunity from Open Government Partnership (OGP) for CSOs from Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine
With the support of the European Union, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) has launched the ‘Civil Society Innovations for Open Government’ grants calling for proposals from civil society organisations in Eastern Partnership OGP members, including Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.
Through this call, the OGP aims to support the development of innovative tools and/or public engagement techniques (both digital and offline) that promote enhanced implementation, co-creation and/or monitoring of anti-corruption, accountability, open government, civic space and public participation reforms at the national and local levels.
Projects will be awarded a maximum of €15,000 (including the encouraged 10 per cent co-financing contribution).
The deadline for applications is 10 April.
The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a unique partnership established in 2011 by government leaders and civil society activists, bringing together 77 countries and 150 local governments. The call is announced as part of OGP’s Eastern Partnership Programme, funded by the European Union.
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