IT Education at COAF SMART Center: Children of Armenia Fund Partnership Call
COAF seeks to partner with organizations/groups of individuals with established reputation and extensive experience in IT education to design and deliver study program modules in the below listed areas for SMART Initiative and COAF SMART Center:
Computer and ICT Literacy
App development
Programming & Coding
Web and Graphic Design
Markup Languages: HTML, JavaScript, etc.
Data Analytics
Digital Marketing
IT Project Management
Related Programs (e.g. applied physics and mathematics, robotics, etc.)
All interested partners should submit EOIs based on the criteria listed below.
All short-listed partners will have an opportunity to meet with COAF and address any questions prior to selection.
All short-listed partners should submit clearly formulated curriculum/program that covers at least three of the above-mentioned areas and is reliant for the defined age group. They state their program objectives, activities, outcomes and methodology which should be in line with SMART Initiative’s values and vision. COAF might partner with one or multiple organizations qualified in the field and interested in furthering the collaboration.
COAF will acknowledge the receipt of each submitted EOI. Please note that participation in this Call for Partnership does not guarantee selection as project partner and all applying organizations will be informed about the outcome. Reviewing the applications might take up to one month: Once EOI applications are evaluated according to merit, selected candidates will be notified upon further proceeding.
Using the Expression of Interest (EOI) template, interested parties should email their Expression of Interest documents to [email protected] with EOI-name of organization as the subject heading, before September 15, 2017.
Criteria for Selection:
Proven track record (a minimum of 3 years) in the relevant field.
Willingness to contribute/cost-share with COAF in implementing the program.
A distinct approach about building local capacity and transferring the program implementation (including materials, software, etc.) to local specialists within 6 to 12 months.
A demonstrated intent to provide mentorship to local specialists.
A good balance between an effective and creative approach to the partnership.
N.B. Additional credit will be given to the organizations that will provide further employment opportunities to local specialists.