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Published on: 07 November, 2017
Օpen call for short blog-posts. “Who is not afraid of Feminism?”
Source: www.feminism-boell.org
The South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation announces an open call for short blog-posts from Armenia. Selected posts will be uploaded on www.feminism-boell.org under the section: “Who is not afraid of Feminism?”
Posts can address the following questions (but are not limited to them): What feminism means to you personally? What is your story to self-identification as a feminist? What challenges did/do you face? How do you see feminist agenda today?
Applicants must submit blogs of minimum 500 and maximum 800 words by November 20, 2017. Language: Armenian, Russian or English.
Email: etuna.nogaideli(at)ge.boell.org. Please, indicate “Open Call for Blogs” in the subject line.