Call for Participation in Green Academy 2017 in Armenia
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The South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation announces a call for participation in the Green Academy 2017 in Armenia!
The School will take place on November 25-29, 2017, in Aghveran.
The Green discourse is marginal and peripheral in Armenia, yet the green problematic and the issue areas it covers have a central presence in the broader fabric of the country's political, economic, and social life. The ever-present specter of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, constitutive of the entire political, economic, and societal climate in the country, begs the question of how the conflict could possibly transition to a state of sustained and perpetual peace and what prospects that transition could possibly have for the region. The Green Academy of Armenia will discuss whether the green vision of promoting local diversity, autonomy, steady-state economy, de-privatization, local economic self-reliance could become alternatives capable of remedying those problems.
The aim of the academy is to provide knowledge, increase awareness of the participants and open up a platform primarily for the students, young activists, young politicians and public figures to discuss economic and social challenges from a green and gender democratic perspective in Armenia. The academy is designed as a five-day event comprised of a series of lectures and workshops. Each day will start with a theoretical lecture by a guest professor, who will lay down the theoretical foundations of the announced topic of the day, followed by a workshop during the second half of the day.
Selection Criteria:
Citizens of Armenia, born between 1981 and 1997 and permanently reside in the region, are eligible to apply. Good command of English is desired. Students, young activists, journalists, scholars, and politicians from Armenia interested in Green politics and actively involved in civic activism are encouraged to apply for this call.
Applicants should submit Application Form to [email protected] (Please note Green Academy 2017 in the subject line of your email)
General guidelines:
- Applicants do not need to be currently affiliated with any institution.
- The deadline for applications is 16 October, 2017, 8:00 p.m.
Interviews with the selected participants will take place on October 19-23, 2017