Training for regional CSOs on reporting to UN treaty bodies
Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) invites interested regional NGOs and activists, working in the area of human rights promotion and protection, to submit applications for participation in the training for regional CSOs on reporting to UN treaty bodies, which will take place in Yerevan, in EPF’s premises on July 9-10, 2018. The agenda of the training can be found here. Expenses related to transportation, accommodation and meals will be borne by EPF.
The training is organized under the “Promoting Human and Labor Rights in Armenia through GSP+” project, which aims to strengthen the capacities of Armenian regional CSOs in producing high-quality, evidence-based alternative reports to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. The deadlines for the upcoming submissions to UN Human rights Treaty bodies, which Armenian Government is due go as follows: 1) Convention on the Rights of the Child: January 22, 2019; 2) International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: May 30, 2019.
The two-day training will be conducted by highly qualified experts with specialization on reporting to UN human rights bodies. The training will concentrate on exploration of several key stages and a number of practical techniques of the reporting to UN treaty bodies.
After a completion of the training, the participants will have an opportunity to engage in preparation of alternative reports to UN treaty bodies. It is expected that by July, 2019 at least four alternative reports will be prepared and submitted to the UN treaty bodies under the project. The alternative reports will be focusing on the following human rights issues and their respective regions:
- the right to adequate standard of living: Shirak region;
- ethnic/religious minority children’s rights: Armavir region;
- the right to enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health: Gegharkunik region;
- the right to the enjoyment of just and favourable conditions of work (labor rights): Syunik region.
How to apply:
Interested applicants should submit the following two documents:
- a CV and
- a completed application form
Those applicants, who are applying as a regional NGO representative, please, complete this application form.
Those applicants, who are applying as a regional human rights activist, please complete this application form.
We kindly ask you to submit your CV and a completed application form to Ms. Anush Margaryan at [email protected]. In the subject line of your message please indicate: Training for regional CSOs and your full name. The deadline for submitting applications is June 20.
Please, note that the places are limited. Given the coverage of the project, preference will be given to applicants from Shirak, Armavir, Gegharkunik and Syunik regions.
The “Promoting Human and Labor Rights in Armenia through GSP+” project is implemented by EPF with support of the Democracy Reporting International (DRI) within the EU-funded “Promoting Human and Labour Rights through GSP+”global project, implemented by DRI in nine countries, including Armenia.