We are small teams doing BIG things!

Last updated 18 March, 2019

Public Agenda NGO

The main areas of the organization’s activity are journalism, peacebuilding and the regulations of the conflicts. The main beneficiaries are readers, journalists, and experts.


The organization carries out the publications of Analyticon monthly journal.


The activity of the Public Agenda is directed towards the establishment of conditions for the development of free and responsible media in Armenia.


The mission of the organization:


-  to support the improvement of professional level among journalists;

- to foster the perfection of the legislative field on media and protection of journalists' rights;

- to contribute to the  establishment of the professional environment and adoption of principles of professional ethics, journalistic solidarity;

- to foster  the development of international contacts of Armenian journalists and the dissemination of foreign expertise in Armenia;

- to contribute to the improvement of economic and the technical condition of Armenian media, overcoming of the state monopoly over production and dissemination of printed and audiovisual production.

- to support to the Confidence building activities between media of 3 sides of the conflict.






Media, Peacebuilding