Marina Poghosyan
Marina has solid credentials in the area of personal and organizational development. After receiving an MBA from Haigazian American University in 1994, she continued her career as a trainer and management consultant at various international organizations. This experience enables her providing high value added services applying the best practices in clients’ organizations. Her areas of specialization include Entrepreneurship development, Strategy development, Business Model generation and analysis, Project Management based on PMI standards.
Capacity Building and Organizational Development Experience
Marina's experience in the field of capacity development started in 1995. Since then she has provided capacity building services to various private companies and public organizations. Marina's recent capacity building experience includes designing and delivering a series of training courses for management consultants in Armenia within the framework of EBRD Small Business Advice program. Marina was among the initiative group founding two CSO organizations successfully operating up to date. She serves as a Board member in both of them after being a president of IMC Armenia for 2 years.
Previous Clients
• “Jrvej Youth” Educational and Cultural NGO
• European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, Small Business Advice Unit
• Regional US Embassy project