Call for Applications: Research and policy paper on the situation of philanthropy in Armenia and recommendations for improvement
Deadline: March 26, 2020 (18:00 Armenian time)
The European Center for Not-for-Profit Law Stichting (ECNL) cordially invites submissions from civil society organizations to prepare an analysis on the regulation and practice of philanthropy in Armenia. This activity is part of the Technical Assistance Support in Armenia, managed by the European Center for Not-for-Profit Law Stichting (ECNL). The project is made possible by the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) through the Civic Space Initiative, financed by the Government of Sweden. ECNL has been supporting the development of enabling framework for CSOs in Armenia since 2007. As part of this we have been providing expertise to CSOs and public authorities in developing a more enabling environment (e.g. the possibility for CSOs to engage directly in economic activities). We have also supported the development of a monitoring tool to assess CSO environment in Armenia – the CSO Meter – and the results from this monitoring could be found at More information about ECNL and its mission and activities could be found at
Under the term philanthropy/fundraising, we understand any activity that generates voluntary donations of money and in-kind support to assist CSOs. This includes both corporate and individual donations that are provided in cash, through bank transfers, online payment tools and through other existing mechanisms.
Objective of the assignment:
The present assignment aims to:
1) map out the issues that affect philanthropy in Armenia and identify good practices and shortcomings;
2) prepare specific recommendations on how the environment for philanthropy in Armenia could be improved.
Description of Tasks:
The selected organization will work in close coordination with ECNL and shall carry out the following tasks:
- Research the existing legal regulation on various methods for fundraising from both companies and individuals, as well as to what extent the regulation is easily implemented in practice. Examples of methods to be researched include the use of crowdfunding platforms; donation text messages; credit card and online giving; street/public collections; charitable boxes; possibility for online collections; charitable lotteries and auctions; etc.
- Review of bank practices with regard to opening bank accounts for collection of donations, ability to receive donations both from the country and from abroad, as well as the possibility to make donations abroad. Review other bank practices that may affect CSOs;
- Collect information about donations made in Armenia from individuals and corporations and about the number of taxpayers (individuals and corporations) and the income/profits tax they are paying;
- Analyze the existing system of taxation of donations and their recipients and donors (both law and ability to use those in practice);
- Review reporting requirements for collected donations, as well as government oversight over the process;
- Review whether there is a need to register or receive a license/permit to engage in public collections;
- Research existing self-regulation of fundraising or of CSOs that may affect fundraising;
- Research/Identify other legal or practical issues that may affect philanthropy in Armenia.
Preparation of a policy paper
The paper should include analysis of the law and practice (on the above-mentioned topics) and also:
- Identify existing problems or shortcomings in both law and practice;
- Outline possible avenues for action with regard to improving the situation and identifying the respective stakeholders to be engaged.
Discussion and finalization of the paper
- Organize a small discussion to present and seek input on the findings of the pre-final research;
- Finalize the policy paper based on the outcome of the discussion and ECNL’s feedback and submit the final policy paper.
The selected organization will provide monthly update on the development of the research to ECNL.
Estimate duration of the Contract: April – June 2020.
Maximum budget: a gross fee of up to 3300 USD + reimbursement of pre-approved costs for the discussion of the pre-final research.
Qualifications and eligibility of the applicant:
- Based in Armenia;
- Demonstrated in-depth understanding, expertise and strategic interest in the area of philanthropy;
- Being familiar with the CSO sector in Armenia.
To apply, please, send by March 26, 2020 (18:00) to [email protected] with the subject line “Philanthropy ToR”:
- An offer in English (max 2 pages), with the outline of the structure of the paper and envisioned number of expert days per each activity, together with a proposed timeline of work. Please include a gross daily amount in USD according to prior assignments (a documented proof will be requested). In their offers, candidates should describe the methodology of their work and if they plan to conduct surveys or organize discussions, to describe how they will ensure representativeness;
- Detailed past experience and references in the research area of the organization and the proposed lead experts to carry it out.
The selected organization is responsible to settle VAT, income and other taxes and duties arising in relation to this assignment in conformity with domestic laws.
Number of planned awards: 1.
Only selected candidate will be contacted by the Review Committee.