Կրթաթոշակի մասնակցության հրավեր
Source: http://bit.ly/29Ub25v
#neuLAND is a multinational fellowship programme launched by the German Federal Foreign Office and implemented by the European Acade-my Berlin. Its goal is to inspire young social entrepreneurs from EU Eastern Partnership countries and Russia, and to empower them in promoting their social, cultural, economic or political initiatives.
#neuLAND is a grant programme for young adults, aged up to 28 years, who live in Armenia and who have innovative and creative ideas with social impact.
During a four-week event programme in Germany, participants will work on their own individual project, including discussing it with experts and other participants, taking part in workshops and exploring Germany on their own. Ideally, each participant will ‘start-up’ a (project) idea after returning to their home country – endowed with new know-how and a tightly-knit network of friends.
If you have questions, please contact us through [email protected] e-mail.