Request for Applications for Competitive Selection of an Implementing Partner for the "To Build Capacities of the Armenian Aarhus Centres to Address Environmental and Security Risks" Project
COMPETITION TYPE: Request for Applications No. 02/ 2016
OPEN TO/ ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: In order to be eligible as an Implementing Partner for this Project, the applicant must be a non-governmental organization that has had at least five years of relevant project management experience and demonstrated the capacity to manage activities on the scale and nature corresponding to this Project.
INTENDED AUDIENCE: Non-governmental, non-profit organizations
START DATE/ TIME: 01 July 2016
DURATION: 5 months
LOCATION: Yerevan, Armenia
DETAIL DESCRIPTION: The OSCE Office in Yerevan seeks an Implementing Partner to carry out "To Build Capacities of the Armenian Aarhus Centres to Address Environmental and Security Risks" Project in line with the project's objectives and outputs.
There are two main responsibilities of the Implementing Partner. Frist, the Implementing Partner is expected to administer funds to the existing Aarhus Centre Co-ordinators and web team at the Yerevan Aarhus Centre from the Office in Yerevan to continue their activities. The Implementing Partner is expected to report on those activities and the overall work of the Aarhus Centres. Second, the Implementing Partner is expected to provide capacity-building opportunities to the Aarhus Centre Co-ordinators to strengthen their knowledge and skills.
The specific tasks and responsibilities of the Implementing Partner include:
- Support the Aarhus Centre Co-ordinators in their daily activities through distribution of financial resources. The financial resources will be allocated and approved by the OSCE Office in Yerevan to cover the costs of the Co-ordinators' work and any basic costs outlined in Table 3.1.1 (see the "RFA_02_2016" file attached below). The Implementing Partner should distribute the money through direct contracts with Aarhus Centre Co-ordinators (or appropriate agreements to manage financial transactions) and supported through financial reports;
- Provide co-ordination and administrative assistance (including, but not limited to reporting and logistical issues) to the Aarhus Centres;
- Support the website through distribution of financial resources from the OSCE Office in Yerevan directly to the Yerevan Aarhus Centre which maintains the website. Additional activities should raise awareness and facilitate access to available environmental information through various tools (websites, newsletters, information boards, etc.). The Implementing Partner is encouraged, but not required, to provide content for the website in agreement with the Yerevan Aarhus Centre.
Monitoring and Evaluation:
- Monitor Aarhus Centres' activities throughout the country;
- Gather qualitative and quantitative data about each of the Aarhus Centres' activities for the final narrative report provided to the OSCE on the attainment of the objectives of the project. The final report should be a substantive document with detailed information on each Aarhus Centre;
- Provide the OSCE Office in Yerevan with final financial and narrative reports.
Thematic Support:
- Provide to Aarhus Centres, where possible, up-to-date materials on environmental issues, and training opportunities on approaches and methodologies to strengthen Aarhus Centre Co-ordinators capacity (refer to Section 3.1 in the "RFA_02_2016" below-attached file for available budget for Implementing Partner);
- Conduct capacity-building opportunities for Aarhus Centre Co-ordinators on environmental knowledge, including rights granted by national legislation and the Aarhus Convention (refer to Section 3.1 in the "RFA_02_2016" below-attached file for available budget for Implementing Partner);
- Support engagement with other actors to promote compliance with the Aarhus Convention (refer to Section 3.1 in the "RFA_02_2016" below-attached file for available budget for Implementing Partner).
Based on the implementation of the above-mentioned activities, the Implementing Partner is expected to come up with following outputs:
- Administer financial assistance on behalf of the Office in Yerevan to the Aarhus Centres;
- Conduct regular monitoring and assessments of individual Aarhus Centres' activities and reports;
- Provide a final financial and narrative report on Aarhus Centres' activities and other issues for 2016;
- Strengthen Aarhus Centres' Co-ordinators with up-to-date skills and techniques to address environmental issues;
- Enable the continued functioning of the Aarhus Centres' website through the administration of funds from the Office in Yerevan to the web team based at the Yerevan Aarhus Centre.
For more details, please see the "RFA_02_2016" file attached below.
APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Organizations wishing to apply for the Project should submit a complete application package before the indicated deadline. The applications must be received in a sealed envelope by hand-delivery to the following address:
OSCE Office in Yerevan
64/1, Sundukyan Street
Yerevan, Armenia
Att: Ms. Lusine Galstyan
Please note, that all documents must be submitted in English language. Applications sent by other means (e.g. by fax or by e-mail) will be automatically rejected. Hand-written applications will not be accepted.
The outer envelope must have:
- Full name of the applicant;
- Address of the applicant;
- Marked with "RFA/ARM/02/2016 – Implementing Partner Proposal for the Project "To Build Capacities of the Armenian Aarhus Centres to Address Environmental and Security Risks". Do Not Open, Except in Presence of the OSCE panel Members Economic and Environmental Unit, Administration, Project Coordination Unit".
The outer envelope should contain two separate envelopes containing the Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal (the budget). These envelopes should be marked as follows:
- "RFA/ARM/02/2016 – Technical Proposal Implementing Partner for the Project "To Build Capacities of the Armenian Aarhus Centres to Address Environmental and Security Risks" - Do Not Open before 17:00 on 21th June, 2016".
- "RFA/ARM/02/2016 – Financial Proposal Implementing Partner for the Project "To Build Capacities of the Armenian Aarhus Centres to Address Environmental and Security Risks" - Do Not Open before 17:00 on 21th June, 2016".
Please submit complete application packages.
For any further information please address your queries by e-mail, not later than 17 June 2016 to Ms. Lusine Galstyan at:[email protected] .
Please clearly mention in your application letter that you learned of this competition through Career Center and mention the URL of its website -, Thanks.
OPENING DATE: 24 May 2016
APPLICATION DEADLINE: 21 June 2016, 17:00
ABOUT: The Government of Armenia ratified the UNECE Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters ("Aarhus Convention") in 2001. The following year, the OSCE Office in Yerevan began supporting the Government in implementing its commitments under the Convention. Within this support, the OSCE established and continues to provide programmatic, operational and financial support to a network of Aarhus Centres throughout Armenia. The purpose of the Centres is to promote the implementation and principles of the Aarhus Convention throughout Armenia.
The Office in Yerevan established a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Nature Protection and municipal authorities to establish Aarhus Centres in cities and towns to serve as a bridge between government and civil society in meeting obligations under the Aarhus Convention. The municipal authorities provide a space for the Aarhus Centres to operate, while the Office in Yerevan provides financial resources to maintain activities. This is a successful co-operation that has enabled many important activities to be conducted throughout Armenia.
These Centres have been instrumental in raising awareness on the Aarhus Convention provisions at regional, local and national level, helping the government to fulfill their respective obligations under the Convention, and involving citizens in decision-making. Most importantly, the Aarhus Centres have been providing platforms for dialogue between different groups. Armenia has a well-developed network of the Aarhus Centres operating in 15 cities and towns, and the Centres are promoting principles of good environmental governance though disseminating environmental information, creating environmental awareness and organizing public hearings on draft legislation, policy and projects. The network that has developed between these Aarhus Centres has enabled information sharing and collaboration to address issues. In support of the network, the Office supports functioning of the Aarhus Centres website with the goal to raise awareness on the implementations of the obligations undertaken by the country and highlight the environmental activities of the country.
Aarhus Centre Co-ordinators, in collaboration with local partners, develop annual plans and activities to promote the Aarhus Convention in their communities. The Co-ordinators serve as a bridge between state bodies and civil society. They play a crucial role in advocating for an inclusive approach to solving issues and initiating activities to address ongoing and new issues.
The Office in Yerevan has provided outlined support to the Aarhus Centres and Network in its 2016 Unified Budget. This specific project seeks to continue its support to the Aarhus Centres, the Office in Yerevan requires administrative and financial management support for 2016. The Implementing Partner should also conduct regular monitoring and assessments of Aarhus Centres. In addition, the Implementing Partner should facilitate the continued functioning of the Aarhus Centres' website. The Office in Yerevan will, when possible, support the Implementing Partner to conduct capacity-building activities among the Aarhus Centres' Co-ordinators to ensure up-to-date awareness of environmental issues, approaches and methodologies.
Overall Objectives of Project
Under the 2016 Unified Budget, the project objective is to strengthen the Aarhus Centres Network and to improve their environmental engagement on the national and local levels.
Project Outputs
Under the 2016 Unified Budget the outputs are:
- Continued ability of Aarhus Centres to raise awareness and respond to environmental challenges and threats by engagement with the local population through trainings and dissemination of information;
- Strengthened capacities of stakeholders to engage in public participation facilitated by Aarhus Centres;
- Developed Aarhus Centres' annual plans addressing key areas for support in municipality environmental programmes;
- Disseminated environmental information through media tools, in particular the Aarhus website and communication with national and local media.
ADDITIONAL NOTES: Prior to sending the Application, check if you have all required documentation:
- Stamped Technical Proposal (Annex I);
- Stamped Financial Proposal/ Budget (Annex II);
- Copy of Certificate of the State Registration;
- Copy of the officials Statute/ Charter in English language;
- A list of all key management personnel of the organization;
- CVs of all proposed project staff;
- Evidence of a legally registered bank account;
- List of previous projects, carried out by an applicant, including information about the donor, implementation period and respective values.
- Recent financial statements (balance sheet, income tax reports).
- Technical Proposal Annex I - Technical Proposal Annex (24K)
- Budget Template Annex II - Budget Template Annex (38K)
- RFA_02_2016 - (271K)