YP Talk with Nerses Ohanyan: Software in Healthcare Industry
AGBU Young Professionals Yerevan team in cooperation with Kolba Innovations Lab invite you to join an interactive public talk about software in healthcare industry with experienced professional in the field- Nerses Ohanyan, Vice President of Software Products at Vineti.
The Talk will be held in English.
About the Speaker:
Nerses Ohanyan oversees Product, Design, Engineering and Customer implementation at Vineti. He has also co-founded HyeTech, a professional networking group of technology entrepreneurs. Nerses holds bachelor degrees from USC and a Master’s degree from Stanford University.
About the Company:
Vineti is an enterprise software platform company serving pharmaceutical, biotech, and healthcare companies. Vineti applies user-centered design and best-in-class software development practices to automate and transform the creation and delivery of personalized medicines, including next-generation cancer treatments.
Venture capital investors and partners include General Electric, Mayo Clinic and DFJ. Vineti has offices in San Francisco, California and Yerevan, Armenia.
Healthcare sector has always been a crucial part of our life and the importance of development of this sector will continue to grow in the future. Even today we can see life expectancy growing, which means increasing attention to human health, from inception and throughout the entire life.
Future of healthcare industry supposes integration of IT solutions, which changes the way customers receive healthcare services and treatment.
Software engineers play crucial role in medical sector, offering application of digital tools and technical solutions which can offer more personalized services, with more precise diagnosis and treatment methods tailored particular cases.
What will be the future of an industry integrating medical services with the software solutions ? Join us on June 15, at 18:30, at AGBU Armenia Hall to find the answer!
The talk is part of #Inno4dev: Innovation for Development project, which is funded by the European Union.
Please register BEFOREHEAD at: http://bit.ly/2sJv36F