We are small teams doing BIG things!

Last updated 13 December, 2017

Support for Noyemberyan

“Support for Noyemberyan” non-governmental organization has been supporting to socio-economic development of the Tavush marz communities throughout the ten year of its operation through efficient management, use of local resources and attraction of additional resources. Residents of Tavush marz communities and the border communities in particular, are at the center of the organization's attention. Among  other various implemented project the NGO has established still the unique support center for the patients with diabetes, as well as youth centers in 5 communities of  Noyemberyan region, has published a business directory of Tavush marz, has participated in the construction of 45 km water piplines in 6 border communities, has organized specialized trainings and consultancies.  The vision of the “Support for Noyemberyan” NGO is “to have real goals and achieve the desired results.”  


Provided Services

Developing business plans
Market research
Developing investment programs
Developing strategy
Computer skills trainings
Computer services



Video Gallery


16 December, 2015, 08:09
2015թ. –ի դեկտեմբերի 12- ին և 13 –ին Աջակցություն Նոյեմբերյանին ՀԿ-ի աշխատակազմը ՀԿ ԴեՊո ծրագրի շրջանակներում կազմակերպեց 2 - օրյա դասընթաց, որի նպատակն էր զարգացնել Տավուշի մարզի հասարակական կազմակերպությունների ներկայացուցիչների մասնագիտական...
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Community Development