ACBA Federation / Impact Hub Yerevan fellowship
Description and Goals
The ACBA Federation / Impact Hub Yerevan fellowship program has been created to support start ups, social enterprises, and individuals who are aiming to tackle agricultural issues in Armenia through progressive approaches or innovative ideas.
The goal of the fellowship is to support the work of social entrepreneurs/start ups in Armenia by offering Impact Hub’s unique ecosystem, which includes workspace infrastructure, entrepreneurial support, a collaborative community, and educational programs & events.
The fellowship aims to inspire, connect, and enable selected fellows to address social issues and to do their best work in a supportive, inspiring environment which includes over 200 of Armenia’s best and brightest social entrepreneurs with over 50 organizations, enterprises, and initiatives represented.
- The length of the fellowship is 12 months, starting October 2017
- Deadline for application is September 21
- The selected projects are expected to produce a minimum viable product (MVP) by the end of their fellowship
The projects we will select for the fellowship should belong to one of the following areas:
- Agriculture (i.e. harvesting solutions, crop preservation & transportation, technological solutions, etc.)
- Rural development (i.e. field protection, water and/or waste management, minimizing disaster risks, etc.)